Service Providers
Ways to provide services on uShip
Find jobs and grow your business by exploring the many ways you can provide shipping and transport services on uShip.
The heart of uShip is finding loads and quoting. Sign up is easy, so start searching through thousands of shipments, winning jobs, and building your feedback reputation today.
Help potential customers learn more about your business and allow them to request quotes directly from you by creating your company home page in the uShip Directory.
If you are a large-scale moving or transport service that can provide instant quotes through an API or standardized rate table, apply to become a Ship it Now provider.
Build your feedback rating to become eligible for uShip jobs that have Book it Now prices. Quotes are automatically accepted, so you can plan your trip and get all the necessary contact information faster.
Tools for your moving & transport business
Beyond getting thousands of loads for you to quote on and book, uShip is building and partnering with other companies to bring you a suite of tools to help you run your business smoothly. From the most sophisticated load finding engine in the business to the best insurance rates available for your equipment, uShip is dedicated to being way more than an ordinary load board.
Learn more about transporting on uShip
Learn more about how and why uShipping is the best way to find shipments, and grow and improve your business. See how uShip fits with all types of moving and transporting professionals, from Household Movers, to Brokers, to Freight Expediters.